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White Paper

NEC and Cisco’s Routed Optical Networking

  • Abstract

    Faced with rising costs and flattening revenues, Communication Service Providers (CSPs) are exploring new approaches to improve their operational efficiency and halt the declining profitability equation. To be successful, Transport Network is required to eliminate siloed operations and buying decisions to integrate multiple network layers and eliminate redundant functionality to streamline management, upgrades, and service launches to simplify network operations.

    In this whitepaper, NEC and Cisco introduce Cisco Routed Optical Networking solution, powered by NEC 5G xHaul Transformation Service, by detailing their breakthrough technologies to address these CSP’s challenges, financial benefits for CSPs and environmental impacts. Learn how Cisco and NEC fundamentally change IP and Optical networks are built and operated with simplification, convergence, and automation.  

    Routed Optical Networking

NEC Technical Journal - September 2023

Special Issue on Open Network Technologies

-Network Technologies and Advanced Solutions at the Heart of an Open and Green Society


Beyond 5G, our 6G Vision

  • Abstract

    We see Beyond 5G / 6G as more than a dramatic evolution in the performance of 5G wireless technology. Beyond 5G / 6G is an image of society created by social systems integrating communications infrastructure with a set of technologies and products that use real-time processing of enormous amounts of diverse data.

    This Whitepaper summarizes the current discussion regarding how telecommunications and associated technologies will evolve in relation to the society we will have in 2030 and what role NEC will take in this development.


Five reasons to adopt Open RAN now

  • Abstract

    Open Radio Access Network (RAN) is one of the most debated topics in mobile. Participants in the discussion are split between those who see the Open RAN glass as half-full or half-empty. The result is confusion on whether Open RAN is hype or whether it can deliver the disruption that many hoped.

    In this paper, we provide five reasons why operators and vendors should adopt Open RAN today. These arguments are provided in full recognition of the current state of Open RAN including experiences with initial trials and deployments and the work that continues to be done on meeting cost, security, performance and energy efficiency goals.

    Open RAN security examined

Open RAN security examined
-How open, interoperable network design facilitates security improvements-

  • Abstract

    Despite recent concerns brought forward on Open RAN security, the fundamental design principles of Open RAN can in fact contribute to a better security posture of the network technology itself and facilitate the adoption of established security best practices throughout Open RAN deployment and operation lifecycle. In this whitepaper we explore how the Open RAN ecosystem can help operators gain increased security control over their networks in addition to benefitting from greater flexibility, efficiency, and cost effectiveness.
    Open RAN security examined

Moving to Open RAN – The time is now

  • Abstract

    The introduction of Open RAN represents the biggest shift in radio access architecture we have seen during the last two decades. Promotors claim it comes with great promise such as lower costs, scalability, faster and greater innovation, unprecedented flexibility and shorter lead times for deployment of new services. On the other hand, its opponents question whether the cost savings are real, raise concerns of increased complexity as well as network disruptions risks. In this white paper we try to answer these questions, build on our previous papers as well as our own technology research and development, and our discussions with operators around the globe.
    Moving to Open RAN – The time is now

NEC's UPF maximizes 5G value with high performance and flexibility in containerized, virtualized or physical deployments

  • Abstract

    NEC successfully conducted a measurement test, which demonstrated that its UPF could handle traffic at the rate of 640 Gbps per server. NEC verified this by using 2U/2-socket servers equipped with the latest server processors and 100 GbE Network Interface Cards (NIC). The UPF capability demonstrated in this measurement test was significantly better than traditional systems. Moreover, NEC UPF has the flexibility to support multiple platforms. It can run on virtualized or containerized environment, as well as on a COTS server. It can also be deployed on public cloud, which enables the quick launch of 5G network on a small scale with short-lived use.
    This whitepaper introduces the details of NEC’s high performance UPF and the technology behind together with our extensive product lineup and the use cases.
    NEC's UPF maximizes 5G value with high performance and flexibility in containerized, virtualized or physical deployments

NEC's Cloud Native Mobile Core Blueprint to 5G Innovation

  • Abstract

    The implementation of a cloud-native 5G Core network is unquestionably a crucial vector in revolutionizing the industry across multiple verticals, unlocking new B2B2X business models that can rapidly deliver new services and experiences. This whitepaper shares NEC's outlook on how its fully open, automated, microservices based, multicloud-compatible 5G Core architecture, combined with our industry leading 5G technologies enable the quick creation of scalable networks, efficient operations, and cost optimization.
    NEC's Cloud Native Mobile Core Blueprint to 5G Innovation

Building an Open vRAN Ecosystem -Accelerating deployments with a replicable reference architecture-

  • Abstract

    Replicating a reference architecture is an excellent way for CSPs to deploy Open vRAN and enable faster evolution of their networks to accommodate surging traffic growth with the flexibility, efficiency and intelligence demanded in the real 5G world. This whitepaper provides potential options of proven deployment models jointly developed by our industry-leading partners. 
    Building an Open vRAN Ecosystem -Accelerating deployments with a replicable reference architecture-

Open & Virtualized -The Future of Radio Access Network-

  • Abstract

    CSPs confront numerous challenges in order to prepare for the “real 5G world” where uRLLC and mMTC become a reality. To address these challenges, we believe the disruptive and powerful technology of Open vRAN has a strong potential to transform the way CSPs deploy and monetize 5G. This whitepaper gives you insights on how NEC can bring this into practicality. 
    Open & Virtualized -The Future of Radio Access Network-

NEC 5G Vertical Business Platform

  • Abstract

    CSPs will undeniably become an essential contributor to the social infrastructure in the 5G world. NEC 5G Vertical Business Platform has been designed as an universal platform to enable CSPs to continuously add new applications and services for industry verticals creating new revenue streams.
    NEC 5G Vertical Business Platform

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